Hello and welcome to the March Nerdcrafteria Bulletin! Here is where we’ll put all things server excitement, including world changes, events, maintenance, and more. We also have a section specially dedicated to our player events.
Staff Events
Here’s a list of all of our official server events happening this month! If you have any questions on these, feel free to ask in Discord or in game and a staff member will give you more info! We will also be posting announcements for these as the month goes along.
- Creative Road Contest: March 8th – 31st
- Monthly Maintenance Window: March 10th, 7 a.m. Eastern
- Optional Monthly Maintenance Window: March 17th, 7 a.m. Eastern
- Market Weekend: March 19th – 21st
Things To Note
Skyblock: This season of competitions are going strong in Skyblock! This season’s build competition theme is Island of the Future! See the info board at /is spawn near the mountain for more details on how to enter and the prizes available. This season is traditional Skyblock, so beware of the void.
Creative Plots: You now have the ability to wipe your creative plot! Simply use /plot clear while standing on your plot to reset it back to its base layer. Please note this CANNOT be undone, so use it with caution!
Creative Road Contest: See the end of this bulletin for information on how you can get involved shaping our creative world for the better!
Spring Spawn: This year’s spring spawn is inspired by the many types of Japanese gardens, as well as the gorgeous cherry blossom tree! We hope you enjoy exploring it as much as we enjoyed making it.
Player Events
Are you hosting or running a player event? PM the details to Flaw on Discord and it could be included here!
- Edgeville: Edgeville building will be available from March 3rd (approximately) until March 26th, voting will last from March 25th-28th, and winners will be announced on the 29th EST at an Edgeville party! Theme is Bridges. Contact Vetta13 for more information.
- Sign Party: This month’s sign party will be on March 20th. Please contact BigBennyJ for more information or to help out!
Creative Road Contest
You may have noticed that our creative roads are lacking in the inspiration department, and what better way to fix that than letting you, the players, get involved! This is your chance to leave your mark on the creative server and Nerdcrafteria as a whole, so keep reading if this is something you’re interested in.
Our creative roads are based on a repeatable chunk of road that our plugin fills in for us. This chunk includes a section of road that repeats in sets of 8, as well as an intersection. If you would like to participate, simply /modreq at the location you’d like us to paste the below template, and we will happily deliver it for you!

You can edit this template however you’d like, but a few things to note:
- Please keep the road the same depth that it currently is (i.e. don’t add blocks below or above it).
- Please keep lag-inducing/transparent blocks to a reasonable level (i.e. please don’t build a whole road out of leaves and glass)
- Including light is a great thing to help light up our world!
You must finish your build by MIDNIGHT EST ON MARCH 31ST. Once finished, just /modreq again, and a staff member will come grab your creation from you.
Once we have received all the submissions, we will decide on a top selection, and post those with uniform screenshots for you all to vote on in early April! The roads will be put in during maintenance in April once the vote has closed.
We hope you enjoy this contest, and happy creating!