Hello and welcome to the January Nerdcrafteria Bulletin! Here is where we’ll put all things server excitement, including world changes, events, maintenance, and more. We also have a section specially dedicated to our player events.
WELCOME TO 1.16.4!!
For the last several weeks, your admin team has been working diligently and quietly behind the scenes to prepare a surprise upgrade for the new year! After extensive testing and preparation, the last 48 hours were spent actually moving the server to 1.16.4. Thanks to their hard work, this process appears to have gone seamlessly. As always some little bugs are likely to pop up in the next few weeks, but we are confident the server on the whole is running smoothly.
Be sure to check out /explore spawn in both the overworld and the nether for information on all the new 1.16.4 mechanics. We hope you enjoy getting to know all the new features of this version, and thanks again for being so incredibly patient with the downtime. You guys are the best!
Staff Events
Here’s a list of all of our official server events happening this month! If you have any questions on these, feel free to ask in Discord or in game and a staff member will give you more info! We will also be posting announcements for these as the month goes along.
- Monthly Maintenance Window: January 13th, 7 a.m. Eastern
- Market Weekend: January 15th – 17th
- Winter Carnival: January 16th – 31st
- Optional Monthly Maintenance Window: January 20th, 7 a.m. Eastern
Things To Note
Survival: Our interim Survival season is now live! This season will be abbreviated and be a true “vanilla” season in order to set up the staggered seasons between Skyblock and Survival again. Head through /hub to get to Survival spawn! Inventories should be wiped, but please double check them for us, and /modreq if you have any leftovers from last season.
Skyblock: We are now live with a new season of Skyblock! This season’s build competition theme is Island of the Future! See the info board at /is spawn near the mountain for more details on how to enter and the prizes available. This season is traditional Skyblock, so beware of the void.
We also have the winners of last month’s competitions! Our winner of the highest level competition was Elysha1995! Our winners of the Community Favorite competition were: 1st place – MollyGrue; 2nd place – Elysha1995; 3rd place – Mordu5. Congratulations to all of our competitors, and best of luck next season. Monetary rewards have been given already. Please /modreq for your other in game rewards if you placed first in a competition.
Winter Carnival: Staff and a team of players have been working on a lovely Winter Carnival for you all! Please join us for 2 weeks of winter festivities including ice skating, sledding, snowball fights, and more! Watch for a post later this month with more info on this event.
Player Events
Are you hosting or running a player event? PM the details to Flaw on Discord and it could be included here!
- Edgeville: Edgeville building will be available from Jan 3rd until Jan 25th, voting will last from Jan 26th-31st, and prizes will be given either on the 31st or just after reset on Feb 1st. Theme is Winter Wonderland. Contact DefiniteMcLovin for more information.
- Sign Party: January 23rd, time TBA. Contact BigBen for more information! Ben is looking for volunteers to assist with building, so please message him if interested.
Shab to Fab: Building Tips!
This is a segment where we cover little ways to spice up your builds! Feel free to take whatever you feel you like and leave the rest, this all comes down to taste.
This month: Roof Edition!

Stairs make an excellent roof, and can give you a beautiful slanted shape that’s less severe than the corners of full blocks.

If you bump your stairs out from the roof a bit, you can add stairs underneath the edge to create an even smoother roof angle, and further distinguish it from the walls of your house.

You can even further bump out a roofline to make room for porches and pillars, adding interest to the front and sides of your house! Slabs also make an excellent roof material for a less-steep angle.
Have an idea or submission for this segment! Feel free to email your captions and images to nerdfighteria@gmail.com. Please note we may not be able to take all the submissions, but we will do our best!