Hello everyone! We are excited to share with you a roadmap of Nerdcrafteria’s plans for the rest of 2024! This will be a two-part series, with Part 1 covering everything from March to June, as well as some important changes coming up! Part 2 will come later in the year and will detail all the plans for the remainder of the year.
2024 Recap Thus Far
2024 has been a blast so far! We’re always honored to be part of the Project For Awesome every year, and this year was such a success! We welcomed so many new faces during and after the stream, and raised $1,281.99 through the server to contribute to the largest P4A ever! Look out for the following perks coming soon as a thank you for reaching our stretch goals!
- 24 hours of FLY in Main/Explore (Slated for this weekend, February 24-25!)
- “Pickaxe for Qawesome” for Survival Players, and “Garden Kit” for Skyblock players
- Mending Book kit claimable in the world of your choice!
- (Remember that mending is limited to elytra and tridents in Main/Explore)
Important Changes
We want to take our P4A success and run with it, so we are making some important changes to ensure we meet all of our ambitious goals!
Discord Ticket Bot
We have added a new ticket bot to Discord to streamline the process of contacting staff! To use it, simply open a ticket using the bot in the new #open-a-ticket, and a staff member will tend to it similar to a modreq!
While our existing channels for staff contact outside of the game will stay open (Website forms for afk requests and punishment appeals, #get-help-from-staff channel for quick questions), we hope to push the bot as a way to ask a question privately (without other players knowing), streamline responses for questions that are a little more involved, and avoid long response times when questions are asked directly to staff in Discord DMs.
Market Weekends
Upon hearing about the success of the NCT market, Hrmmmphrey and co have been asked to travel to even more locations with their wares! As a result, they have decided to take even longer between visits, but stay longer when they arrive, giving them time to catch up with old and new friends alike. 😊
The increased traffic also has them exploring places like an Ancient City for even more exotic goods.
Going forward, Market Weekends will be moving to a quarterly schedule. This allows us to focus our resources on bigger and better events and openings that you can look forward to. We will be increasing these to Market Weeks so as to keep them interesting, and you can expect the first of these revamped Market Weeks in June!
Plot Sellback Changes
To encourage some more movement within the towns, selling your plot back to the server will now yield 50% of the plot’s value back to you, as opposed to nothing previously! This is in addition to some other major plot changes coming up that we hope will shake up the plots game in each of our towns, including upcoming ones…
The Roadmap!

March 2024
Early Month – More VIP Plots
We’re starting off strong with more VIP plots to be opened in March! We’ve had a large number of new VIPs since our first round of plots, and can’t wait to see what you guys do with them!
Late Month – Server Upgrade, Website Overhaul
It’s happening! The server will finally be upgrading past 1.17 after 2 years! We are not quite sure which version we’ll be upgrading to, plugin dependent, but we will let you know the closer we get to the day! (Before you ask, no, it will not be 1.21)
We are also planning a massive website overhaul and FAQ update to accompany the new version!

April 2024
Early Month – New Skyblock Season
Skyblock will be relaunching just after the server update to give everyone an opportunity to play with the new blocks and mechanics in a Skyblock season! We expect this to be a regular season, but stay tuned for the details!
Late Month – Main World Scavenger Hunt
We’ll be running a bit of a scavenger hunt in the mainworld to cap off April! It will be a fun, collaborative effort to find out the secret hidden within the hunt…

May 2024
Early Month – Minigames World
A P4A perk from 2023, we are finally going to open the promised Minigames world! We are still figuring out what minigames to add to the world, let us know if you have any suggestions!
Late Month – New Town
Our first new town in over a year will be opening by the end of May! We are keeping the theme a secret for now though. 😉

June 2024
Early Month – Pride, Survival
Survival will reboot for a new season in June! The first new Survival season of the new server update, it’s anybody’s guess what’s in store! This season will likely last us until the end of the year.
We will also be running a number of Pride events to commemorate Pride Month. 🏳️🌈
Late Month – Market Week
The first of our revamped Market Weeks will cap off June! You’ll have to come back then to see what the villagers bring for you to trade!