The summer Olympics are coming to Nerdcrafteria! Starting Sunday, August 22nd, 2021, we will be hosting a whole week of fun and exciting Olympic style events at the Fairgrounds.
All athletes will receive an exclusive [Olympian] tag just for participating, and the winners of each event will receive customized medals to display on their plots for all to see.
Event Schedule:
Sunday August 22nd – 3pm EDT – Swimming Events
- 100m Freestyle
- Swim the length of the pool as fast as you can!
- 4 x 200m Relay
- In teams of two, take turns swimming to the end of the pool and back, twice.
- Bucket Fishing
- Be the first to catch 10 colour-coded fish in the reef pool.
Monday August 23rd – 8pm EDT – Maze Running Event
- Maze Run
- Be the first to find your way to the center of the maze!
Tuesday August 24th – 8pm EDT – Sailing Event
- Nerdfighteria Island Race
- Sail your boat through the islands of NI, following buoy markers. The race begins and ends in the Lighthouse Point Bay.
Wednesday August 25th – 8pm EDT – Equestrian Events
- Cross Country
- Mount your steed and navigate the Cross Country course. Go fast and jump clean, rounds are timed, and each jump refusal will cost you 4 faults!
- Steeple Chase
- Race your opponents for three laps around the Steeple Chase course.
- Show Jumping
- Mount your steed and navigate the Show Jumping course. Go fast and jump clean, rounds are timed, and each jump refusal will cost you 4 faults!
Thursday August 26th – 8pm EDT – Archery & Javelin Events
- Archery
- Take aim to earn the highest point total on 7 targets.
- Javelin
- How far can you throw a trident? Let’s find out!
Friday August 27th – 8pm EDT – Parkour Events
- Parkour Blast-off
- It’s a race to the top! Be the fastest to hop your way up and launch your rocket to the stars!
- Lead Climbing
- Rock climbing at it’s finest! You have two minutes to climb as high as you can on the giant rock wall. Hang on tight!
Saturday August 28th – 3pm EDT – Rodeo Events
- Barnyard Blitz
- Yeeeeeeeehaaaaw! Tame yer wild mustang, and herd the critters back to their pens. Better hurry, this event is timed!
- Pole Bending
- Saddle up your trusty quarter horse, and race your opponents through the pole bending course.
- Hungry Hungry Heifers
- Giddy up! It’s time to herd some cattle! It’s a race to tame your mustang, and then lead as many heifers as you can back to your pen.